If times get tough and your marriage is slowly falling apart, you owe it yourself and your partner to invest in the peace of mind that a Couple’s Therapist can offer. They’re not there to judge you or make you feel like you did anything wrong.

Our Therapists are here to help you and your spouse figure things out. When two people decide to build a life together, they are bound to run into some problems along the way. You shouldn’t feel bad about acknowledging the imperfections and trying to fix them. One of the reasons that a marriage or relationships fail, is because neither partner recognizes its value until its too late. An unhappy marriage can increase your chances of getting sick by 35 %. It can even and shorten your life by an average of 4 to 8 years. People who are happily married live longer than divorced people or those that are unhappily married. Logos offers counseling sessions with a husband-and-wife couple with over 20 years of marriage experience. Invest in your marriage because its worth it!

Reasons for taking the step towards counseling:

A. You get amazing advice
B. Objective opinions
C. You get tools and methods that work
D. There is a safe space provided for you to speak freely

- Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
- The Gottman Method of Couples Therapy